- All windows in the home, on all levels, must be kept closed.
- All exterior doors must be kept closed except for normal entry and exit (60 second or less).
- If the home is occupied, the HVAC system should be used to keep the home at a comfortable temperature for the residents. The fan status must be in the AUTO mode.
- If the home is vacant, or if the residents are out of town, the HVAC system must be set to a temperature between 67-77 F with the fan in the AUTO mode.
- If present and manually controlled, the whole house fan should be off.
- If the fireplace has a damper that is closable, the fireplace cannot be used and the damper must beClosed, if functional.
- Clothes dryers, range hoods, and bathroom exhaust fans can be used in moderation.
- Ceiling fans, portable dehumidifiers, and air cleaners are not to be used within 20 feet of a monitor.
- If the home has a radon mitigation system, it must be functioning.
- Accessible windows and exterior doors on the lowest level of the home may have been sealed withred anti-tampering tape that must remain intact for a valid test. Additional costs will be incurred toreseal windows or doors and reset the test if any tapes are disturbed.

Continous Radon Monitoring Device

If one or more conditions above were not met when the technician set up the test. The state requires thatthe minimum testing period be extended an extra day.
If you are aware of any of the above conditions not being met for the 12 hours prior to the start of the testing period, please call our office immediately.
Regardless of the minimum test duration, all Closed Building Conditions must be maintained until the monitor(s) are retrieved. The test is not concluded until the equipment is removed by a representative of Advanced Radon Testing.
Should you have any additional questions regarding radon testing procedures please don’t hesitate to email or call us at 630.835.3307.